Monday 25 November 2013

berenice abbott

black and white photograph taken aroung the school protrate perspective

Tuesday 19 November 2013

dan arckle

I still remember the first time I saw this technique used, I was amazed at the full360 degree view.
It creates an impossible viewpoint with everything visible but the photographer.
In any small sector of the image the distortion is slight, but taken as a whole there couldn't be any more distortion.


this showes had an soft lighting and the effect of th lights

kenton planet

i took my panoramic image hat i had created and use th polo coordinate filter to worp the image in to a sphere.

Monday 11 November 2013

stephianie jung own example

this is my own example of stephanie jung. i took 20 photos of the same thing just with a little movemnt


this photo was taken by david hockney.this photo is fragmented and has been produced by taking numerous poloroid photos.this photo showes someone swimming by being fragmented it showes hime moving .Hockney attended the Bradford College of Art from 1953 to 1957.

Friday 11 October 2013

Action example photo

i like this action photo because it has a blured backgroung that shows that hte car is moveing fast.
this is how they show that things are moving in photos


this image shows move ment that the prerson in jumping

Monday 7 October 2013

deapth of field

this i my example of depth of field of a few people in my class this is two diffrent speeads

example of depth of field

 this image of some corn in the distance wich has made i look black and the sun set in the background.

my composition

this is my own version of the rule of thirds.ilike this photo because it is very focoused on the shell and has a big black background

example of composition

this image is a motor bike useing the rule of thirds.i think this image is good because ithas alot of space at the front of the bike and is blury on the staw .


my name is william trotter and this is my GCSE photography blog i am studying photography at kenton school i wil up load every thing that i am doing in my lessons